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Главная » 2010 » Январь » 23 » Интервью с Питом Парадой 19 января (оригинал)
Интервью с Питом Парадой 19 января (оригинал)

Еще одно интервью с барабанщиком The Offspring, не записанное на видео, Пит Парада дал его эксклюзивно для сайта 19.01.2010. Перевести его я пока не успел, как только переведу, сразу выложу. А пока привожу оригинал:

I’m really glad to announce that we’ve recently interviewed Pete Parada, the current drummer for The Offspring.
In my opinion, it’s a great interview… But, I’m not gonna say anything else about it, if you want to find more about it, you are going to have to read it below:

There’s not much we know about you, apart from terrified by Javier Bardem. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Well, I’m pretty much a complete dork. I spend a lot of my time studying the drums and finding new ways to improve and expand my playing style. I’m not sure what else anyone would want to know, but I’m pretty quiet and I read a lot, and I have a bit of an obsession with Batman. I’m also a tech-geek, so I like to check out new technologies for music and movies and videogames.

What drummer is your biggest influence?

There’s not one particular drummer for me. I’ve gone through lots of phases where I’ve really gotten into a particular drummer and studied their style, but it’s never just been one. But the ones who’ve had the biggest influence on me are probably Tommy Lee, John Bonham, Ray Luzier, Matt Chamberlin, Dave Grohl, Josh Freese, Mike Bordin, and Scott Rockenfield.

What kind of music did you grow up with?

I was a total metal kid growing up, so I listened a lot of Metallica and Motley Crue and Queensryche. I went through a phase where I was obsessed with Led Zeppelin for a while, too, but pretty much anything metal, good or bad, I was listening to it. My record collection from back then is pretty embarrassing now!

Did you listen to The Offspring before you joined the band?

Of course. I lived in Southern California and The Offspring is on the radio constantly there. When I started playing with the band, it was really cool because I had already been living with the music for so long.

What bands have you been listening to lately? Is there any band or album you’d like to recommend to all these kids out there?

Lately I’ve been a bit obsessed with a new record by Them Crooked Vultures with Dave Grohl on drums, John Paul Jones from Led Zeppelin on bass, and Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age on vocals and guitar. It’s pretty amazing. We did a festival with them in August in Europe and they blew me away. Besides that, my favorite record of the last few years is "Absolution” by Muse. Every song is great on it, and the rhythm section is just awesome.

How did you end up playing drums for The Offspring?

After I had left my previous band, I took a few months to clear my head before looking for anything new, then all of a sudden I got called for quite a few high profile bands at the same time. I talked to a few but they didn’t seem like a good fit for me, but as soon as I met with The Offspring, everything just felt right. We all got along right away, and after my last band I really needed something with no drama involved. It’s been great to actually enjoy playing music again!

You spend a lot of time with the band practicing and being on tour. How do you fit in with a band that has had a pretty much unchanged line-up for 25 years?

Well, the great thing is that the other guys have worked really well together for a long time. That’s pretty rare, so right away that told me there was something special going on with the band. As far as me fitting in, I think it’s been a pretty smooth transition. A month after I got the gig, we played our first show together in front of 30,000 people in Japan, so everything happened pretty fast. But I love the band and I really appreciate the kind of people that they are. It feels like what I had been looking for for a long time.

The Offspring is a much bigger band than the other bands you’ve played in. Is there a notable difference in, for example, the fans, or the routines before shows?

Obviously the biggest difference is the size of the shows. These are the biggest shows I’ve ever done, especially at some of these festivals where there are 60,000 to 90,000 people. It’s pretty insane. And thankfully the fans have been really great to me. I’ve joined other bands before and basically gotten death threats from their fans, so it’s been awesome to feel so welcomed by everyone.

What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you on tour?

I had a crazy drunk girl come from out of nowhere and bite me on the face once. That pretty much freaked me out.

Have you ever flown with Dexter? If so, what was it like the first time you flew with him? Is he a good pilot?

I have flown quite a bit with him and it’s really cool. He’s a great pilot and he really loves flying, so I’ve learned a lot just by watching and listening to him. I was a little nervous the first time, but it turned out great.

What’s been your favorite Offspring concert so far?

That’s a tough question because all the shows have something cool about them. But probably my favorite was playing the Rock Am Ring festival in 2008 in front of about 90,000 people. The crowd was so massive you couldn’t even see where it ended.

What’s the biggest difference between playing with Face to Face, Saves The Day and The Offspring?

Besides the size of the crowds, I would say it’s the scale of the whole production. We have a really large crew and everyone is amazing at their job, so the level of professionalism has been really nice for me. It makes it so that I just get to focus on doing the best show possible every night.

What do you usually do when you’re not touring?

When we’re off tour, I spend time with my family as much as I can, and I also keep quite busy as a drum instructor, as well as practicing as much as I can and working on some music that’s just for me. I’m a pretty big movie fan, too, so I try to get to the theater as much as I can. Even when we’re on tour, if we have a day off I’m usually at the movies.

Once again, thank you for giving TheOffspringSite.Com this interview. We wish you the best of luck and we look forward to seeing you with The Offspring again!

Thanks a lot!

Two questions about the new album were asked to Pete, but he said that the band is "not ready to talk about it yet.”

I would like to thank Pete one more time, this was a very kind gesture of him!

Категория: Новости группы | Просмотров: 1246 | | Теги: pete, пит, Пит Парада, Parada, Парада, Интервью, Pete Parada
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